Feeding Frenzy 3 Full Crack !!INSTALL!! Vn-zoom Forum
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L.IM1JH THK SUN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEAIBRR 6, 1872.H nORENCE THK FIHA.TE.mn luuuzR ovnnATioss i.v hah-JfJtOAT rat.art Cra(et Fisherman la the YVarld- I'm IIlag In 'JOO-riisl Hess n Troul llnilllory f F.ottlshmnn-llow tllllr Klur.sac Catch rkeereliad nail Where.Jfuvitig hcnnl Unit u.h weio i miningxfcnt lively In llarr.egnt Lay, a fewweeVs ago aBli reporter went down t Waretown and hiredJersey sklrper for two day, The skipper tooktlx reporter across the (jay to the beach In anasyiterboat. Th parly round accommodationssJtholiouseof Mr Cm, about two mlle belowUo lighthouse. Mr. On waa a plratlcal-looklngarnn wearing1 a Hue shirt, a baggy pair uf pantalawns, buckled around him with a leather strap,K tuf an old etraw hat. He wa barefooted. Afterk ade.klng hands with Mr. Oi, the reporter passedBm sti on the toop, where he met another pirate.BBl TA second pirate wa dressed like thoBBM Bin. Ilia face was terribly tanned, and his noseBJ au broad and very prettily colored. HeHHJ eleiined acquaintance wild the reporter. HeHHJ mredtobe Mr. VTIMIam J. Florence, a gentle-ami who la now ex e tlitigly anxloui to Iranilbs whereabouts of Ir. Thomas I'. Fields, Thepinto Florence wat tuoklnir a very black pipe,aid killing mosquitoes by the bushel,fl A TALK WITH MjOHK.NCK TDK PHUTF.Vhat brought i 11 diwn lierer" ho 'Mil toIU reporter."Woll, I thought I'd come down and pick upafaw bliiefUh, or klngflsh, or Spanish ma 'Ueri I,"sews iho r ply. "Alt' (here any litre)'""Yu.j lot of 'tin,' responded the pirateBBJ Fhrence " IMd )'' nr catch any huopiJ bidHBJ "No." rniwrod th reporter, "I never did.BBJ A.ttheri any t.esp'l'iad hercF'"Yes ; lots of ni. ' was the pirate's reply.Bi. purler -Did oii ever catch any?Ihel'ltaU No; I tieiercaught any, but I'mTiait to take In some tn-niorrow morning,iter.' lota of 'em her . out In the inlet.Heporter Have von caught anv Mali to.dav?I Tho I'lraU-A half. b icti border rufllans andf Kepofter-Whnt I a border rufflnu - I heierI bewd of such a fth I tore.Florence the 1'irnte llunno what a borderf ruinnlsy Whr, thit'a what we call n bluenh.I 31-r' plenty of firh l.tre-lnta of 'em. VonI etnLTtAll the nci.Vci ).nt want and all tin-k.'lli'li ou want. on Jes' come dnwn hereI iDOclobtrAnd jou ran ttaud on the shore ofI IS luy and chuck out and pull in alt the buI red wunt ; and win u ou !-t tired of piillliu' InI lui ou ran niton the bt-ach and clunkt ett and )ank In all the burder rurtlaut you nnt.BBL HOW lilt; I'lllATt l ATCIIKa BAi.BBT Kcpi rter- How liuae do the ba4 runk Mr. I liuvine -Well, they're prrttr cood lef rllilii hi I'll and tnaaliiliu a pint of iiiim-oaltoes). Tlirfe, four, and some saren pouiiils.I Ittrt talklnir of bn.s-fihlrie. there' no such h.B1i1iik- anywhere around here a there la out atti Man'n Land. Why. out there- I irn theretrrv Tf nr- It's n common trilntr to pull In a haiI wtlchfne a huiidicd lound. ('to o.iunlit lot0t 'em. A man ti.i.t uude'staiids flihlnuaut knows how to play 'cm right cangtl fin In without M.v truuble. You standH 4a the n i ks there and slliirf out. anil y.Mi'll getC a. LIU In iio time. It a the greatest plve In thef worldf'.r b.uis. All )bu e gut tu do l to git upH ul) in tlie moruiri and buy a barrel of softrlam. Thc.i )oa git f.n 11 isrt for u dollar, andetl thv clama tnktn di. wn to the beach. You sue,lb beach is all rocks. Well, you hive countrycrn open the clams, an you stand on the rod.'an' begin to chuck em Into tin tea. Tho towH UVe m out In a great, long string, until )ou'llliatuu strlru of fir hi in . l.niu rem bin' a thousandfeit out Ip.o tho o.'t.m. And then the haR' Iter como a fecdln' nl;ig the shore an' theysliik" llil string of rlam. an' thevciine follenn'up tli cluns. a.lookln' tor sutliin' better untilUcy reai li the fool of the ro. ks. Then's thnllun to snske em In. l'ut half a i rab on )ourhriW an' sling in, an you can r.-!i all tho bigliaii yon want to. 'I her II nalgh from flfl tonliiuidreil pound je. I seen 'em weigh twoi Itandrrd pounilI lteiortertvcr rjulrtli '-Did you ever see onevatghlne MSi .oumiirI Ihe Great I'irnie hmrence (li'llatiii(i I'vef en tome mighty big mis. I've seen 'em wxlghH wilTonto thiee hundrrd pound.BB tmk I'titATi.'K risiii.vn hud.BB Krporter-Dn von ue a rod to catch themwttb?Pirate Oh. jea I I want to show y.oi mj MilHern Mr. Ilorrncu knocked the mIi -i" out "ftit pipe, l m hii.ilher plot uf tlio.piltoes. niulwent Into thi. biiniMiin. Hi' 1.0011 reto'iu-a w it )a roil 11 lime largt r than H pipe stein, with a tipllle a spiar uf ttoiiithy."TIikI'i tht n il 1 hlv.ay rntrh fl-li nltli." hemill, swii.gira th rod around among the inosulto K "Uhnt kind of tlli il ou catch nlth It'r"1 aikeil the rcportrr."Well, I 10 cat. hlng eak(lh llli It now,"f was tho ananer.1 Kepoittr The nciikflnh tnut be small bore,t Mr. rioieii.'o Oh! tluy're prettv go.nl znJ caught one that Hitglitd a pound and a halfr Jut now.v. Keporter-WU that n mighty light rod tor nti witii.r The Pirate Florence -That's the rod Ialiaysi Dili with. I nv r ue u lie.ivler roil.Itxooiter lh ton mean to aav that ou ratrh' Liindri-rl pound lias on that roi v1 Mr. Flnrenrn had etl.lentl) rorgnttu about1 the bn. He biIUiod n uiomeiit. but fln.illr1 Miirteil out : " Ye. lr: I've nulled In n greatl m.niv huriiirfd tH.iind b-r on tliut rod. Youee, I' jou only know bow to Msh. pi ning 'emR jiidl. loiisl) like. It ea, enough to j;et 'em In.1 neter toto n tia's,"thvim; ri.oiirsrcV non.BB The reporter hid got enough. He would hatedr.ulin 11 Mr ri-iieiK ii word If he hil not beena gi Mtli man. An Lour after uppr. the nrtvwent out in a in. it Mr. I lorenee atin k the halfof a slKililcr- tab iip ui lilt hook, apat upon it,i and nte un from hit . at. Thernwa a flourishli Ilka that of mi old-fntbliiiied stngc driver beforehe crack hi wnlp ; then a nlnglng of the reeland the slietlilcr-'rab strip k the Hater neirl)M half way aero tlie bay.I . " You ., ottrythlnyi. In playlns your flh.". said Mr. Florence. At tliit moment hn gut aIf bit.-. Th' fith plDetl Mr. I'lnreiu'e. Ho Jerkedl the end of hi pole ii.t t tho wtter. vntikil hiH' reel out of plaie, and then walked away itlthhis line.II "I'll bet that's n riied stlngaree," said the1 pirate Florence, sh elllng up In the fire and nb.domeii, and lut Ing ibwn lil e.nl In ill unit. Thell lepnrler olterrd lilm .1 l"ider and snivel, withan exrrlleiit sinker und two rutt) hunk hooks;.f but the tln;aree h.nl mail.' Mr. Florenco linn-I' gry, and hu inittru iition going In to supper, hothe Pberiner, nent In. Florence being remarkI lly quiet.Bj hTOiir 01 int. rtntTK riinr.srr.BJ At mldn'gbt the rly sat ution the veraiulnh.Mii oiueboilv 1 11 keit thd spring and net Mr.lloreneo to talking aga'n. He said"lliero titdi to l.r loU of bat In the Harlemnifl up at HiC oub Dam. wheie I keep myhotel. Fell'lt iisod to set on the bridge a fMi1 ing all day Ion?, und they uUe.ijn had good luck.Now them alnt nnv has there. Somehow or' other the bats hate all left, and them Infernaltoadflth have taken their pUee. (Mr. Florenre1 here took an Interiiils-'ioii and killed a perk ofm. mosqiiltoe.) Last siimmur aa I wns a setting 011t the stoop In front of the hotel, n big F.nglliliumnraine along. He bed a white plug hat on. twoMt 'et high, with 1 11 rim about a wide at the hant client atiaspom,, and he bed a big green bagi under hit arm, and ho lied n leather valiseI swung otir hi shoulder. He mine up to tun1 and be ), 'His tliere any fjslil'ik 'rrn, air?'fays I. ' Yna, lots of 'em.' Hiya he, ' I beg paw.don. tilzht I hask . m whtt'a the best kind 'oPh,yoii ratrh 'ere' 'Well.'aav I, 'tna bestkind of Tkh yon get here It what we call n toadH 1 flsn." Mllawst my bloody hoes.' he aays. Mliat'at a heitraordlnary name for a fish. In It a goodf haatlnk fish?' 'Oh I It's a delirious t1h,' 1 said :'melts In your mouth like butter, Did you overj fish much'r' I asked him, 'Well,' ho sild,f used to rateh aantuon In Hlngland and feotI: laud, but I never did anv nOiInk In America, andt as hi wua ildlnk along 'ere the bother ):-1 1 1C aaw some gentlemen a IWillik, mill I re-nUnl toH' come hup and try my lurk. Ill oed to tie apreat s-iwinori flalierman. Vhnl bait do ton moI.'. for I lies toid flhr' 'Crabs,' says I. 'Well,ft raally,' says he, 'that'sj A VFItV IIKXTllAnitlllNAIIY lit IT,f you know, Where can I piitrlivetniiin of thee, rnbs ' ' Oh 1' m I, )ou can get 'em of that.' boy there,' and I showed him a lltMe feller whoI had a basket of cralu to sell." (Mere Mr. Floreii'-eI. began to thrash around again, and iiirceeded Inf killing another perk of mosiiultoes.) " Well,the Kngllahman, he railed tho liny up and beganto pick tho crabs nut of hit basket, Idnn'tbeI Have he everaaw acrabliefore Two of the rrabt! got hold of his fingers and he danced iirnundlike a wild Indian. The boy lauphed and pickedout a half dnren crabs for hlni himself, Thef Kngllahman kicked 'em one side with bis boot,and offered the boy a ten rent atamp, Tim littlefeller looked at hlru and pay, 'Ray; see hero.This won't do. Them crab Is two dollars a1 .''""ns them la. Them'A shedders; them is.'The F.ncllshman at first thought the boy wattrying to cheat him, but when I explained thei".'."t 10 nm ' the bov n dollar and until,I ' lllawaimybloodr hejea If I believe I'll got a1, dul,uf," wi"1" "'I'-' went Into the houseiii' '," bn,r cr.cd. 'Ut I watched theKngllshinari out of the window. He looked atthe rraba about Dye minute. Then lie dellber.v "1 ")!"Ki,'d a rnupln or lilg atonoaup to the craba. Then he took the stoffea 11 id'iiuhed up the craba. The first thing I Knew lieiliad hlabnon tha ground and her. 11 drawingI the jointa of his pole out. There wer. aboutlilted info the socktta It no the d-dett lookli Im la t, at you evr saw. It raarhed half war' 'm.Vim wii We"1 iM" M lltUrcm oft a ntr.b.li'ri "S.,? r1"0,'1-? reel, it woul I fill a barL'n V' .! k.? ,n fathloned7 Ireellthouthtl'ddle. I went out tr. thy Rnrllahman and took a look at It. He looked Mthough he was going to ketch all therfish In therlrer. 'What kind of a rod Is that?" aaya 1.He aaya. "ihafa the rod that I catch aawmonwith. Hit's a beauty, hlsn't It?' ' Ye,' aara I.'tis a beauty. I never saw one like It before.'No,' he aaya, 'the Hamerlcans don't knowW to make tlshlnk rods.' Then he picked upIda crabs an' his green bag an' his vallie, anhe sailed off up on to tho bridge, until he gotalongside of old .fudge fimlth. who aat thereawastln' crab, drlnkln' out of a black bottle, and occasionally druwiu' In a smallfish You'd ought to have een tho lookon the old Judge's fare when he aaw theKiigliiliinan rod. 'Catching lianythlnk?' aayathe Fngllshuian to thoJudge. ' Cutty fair luck,'the Judge said, and added 1 'That's a treat rodvon got there.' ' Yes,' answered the Hngllshman,as if lie Has tickled at the Judge's oliserratlon,"tie a great rod.' The Judge saldi -'I'd be a little careful with that rod If I were 111 your place.''Why?' aatd the Fngllahman, apparentlyalarmed, Do you think hauyhody would ateallit' 'No,' saya the Judge, 'but If you go tofllngln' It around In the sky too wild, yotl mightknock the points off of some of the stara.' Well,the Hngllshman, he didn't Ilk that. He turnedto me and said thatTHE J I' DOT, WAft A OTTI.ia IIIM.Then ho rigged up a hook, put a piece ofmashed crab on It, looked around behind him,and give the rod a awing. Ho had a good, heavyInker on, 1 told him he wanted a heavy sinker,because the tide wat strong. Well, the old reelwent to hoiincln', and tho bait flew aipiarter ofa tnlle don 11 the river, n hen all of uauddcntlioline kinked, and anay went the mashed crab. Icould see It strike thn 'hutment of the Harlembridge. Hut the englishman, he didn't know It.He thought It was all right. Ho set dnnn andwaited for two hours, at patient as any man youever see. for n bite. Finally I told him tint Iguessed he ilhlu't have any halt onto his hook,and he began to turn hi apliinln' wheel to gothis line in. It took him a quarter of anhour to reach tho hook. 'Illanatmy bloodybete,' ho ald. 'If they hain't got the bait.'' Miy,' sa)t I, ' your halt didn't atayon. I aawIt fl off the hook 'fore It reached tho water.' Helooked at mo kinder reproachful like, but hodidn't aav a word. Then he went down Into hlaleather valise iignlu and pulled out apiece ofstring, 'I lieu ho picked up a little maahed craband tied It on to the hook. He wat about sixfoot high, with yeller aide whiskers, thin naa rail, and when he gut up with that white plugI1.1t ami that little rim, and went to throw outagain he wa the mot perfect scarecrow thattun ever aaw. He give her n send with all hitmight, and the bait struck Just under Harlembridge. In about a minute he had a bile. You'doughtvr seennt.n junar. smith.I thought he'd spilt hlmtlf a laughln. TheKiigliehman' flh was a heavy one. He pulledlike n border ruffian. I thought It was nhnrdrrruffian Orst. He kept yanking aay at that oldwooden reel about fifteen minute, and then theflth begun to ronie up out of the vtuler. Whatdo you think It waar"Ileportor- Wat It 11 dog-flsli ?1 lorenee the I'into (laughing)- No. It wasthe biggest toad-Ash that I ever aaw. It wouldhue weighed tlirrn pounds and a half If Itneighed an ounce. Well, tho F.ngllthniaii got him on to the bridge, and oldJudge i?tnlth and me, wo kept a w.itchln'Mm. The hook .u clear down the fish'sthroat. The Fjigllshmau held hint up by hisline and looked in the fish's mouth. Then hegrabbed li In by the belly with his left hand, andstuck his right hand Into his mouth to git outtho honk. Tho toad'fish closed on him like avise. Judgo Smith looked up very quiet andsa). " llaio you got him?" "Yes," says theKugllstiman, "and blawat my bloody hoea hlfhe hain't got mo." If you'd a seen film you'd 'adied a laughing. He got up on his tiptoes andtried to get his hand out of tho fish's mouth.Hut tho toad-fish held on like a Methodist minister on to a convert, and wouldn't let go. Thellritlsher began to danc", and the first tiling youknew away went Id pole, wooden reel and alloff tin bridge. The Judge and me. we sot llkokii.ils cm a log. looking into the water. Afterabout ten minuteTUB t.NOt.HUMAM got the vi an dowmonto the Fridge and put bis big foot on him.Tlirti he got out hi pockrt-knlie and wum towork ni him. It toi k rim flf.ee 11 minutes to githis finger out, an 1 when he did get 'em outthey looked nt though they'd been run througha tnreshln' machine. He wound 'em up In bithandkerchief and began to pull In hit line. Thehook wu still In the tlh t mouth. I believethere wa nt least a thousand f et of line boforothe reel gave to the rod, hut he finally got therod up. Then he cut the hook from the lineand worked the Hue oti tu the reel. Then hetinjoiuttd hi rod. put It In the green b.u.rim. ed hl 'I1111I11 wheel into hlstallseandsailed do v. 1 lane at a 2.0 gall without say.tng.iH. nl' ly one. Iraiiti' the toad rl.li andthe hook ihln tno feet of Judge ."mUli'sbaket ' 1 Judge Mnlth and Hie. we emptiedthe trai t tie, and tlie Judge laughed so loudtnat the p. le caiiio ruunlu' over from Moril-m'a t hut wat the matter.'Her. Mr. H'Teie e killed a bushel of tuotqultoeH ami wept to lied.AVTFtt Mtr.Er-MEAP.The reporter Iepi iiiuii a beJtbk filled with1 orncilx. and dn allied of tilnhook and thousand pound ban", .til night long the melancholygru niing of the surf a;iieaid. In the morninghe wan up ahead of the sun. The I'irato Florenceaiotoat tho same time, and Immodlattly openedhiistllltlen upon the luosouitoes, tartlng thewarfare by an attack upon Mr Cox's applejnck." Tiiu tide will be rlgut 111 about un hour an' ahalf now for the heepshoad," he said, as helighted his uiorning tope."Are )ou sure of catching any?" asked thereporter."Oh. yes, lots uv "em," was the reply. "Allyou'iegot to do Is to toiler me, an' I II put y niright on to the ground V. 11 can fill a boat with,111 In two hour. All you want !asumeiftelHtii. "ii don't 1 H'ti the a: oil, )ou know,but Jest stick your hook Into tho mouth 111 theclam, and churk it 0101 board with a heavysinker, and the fust thing you know you'll fei Ia hiuvy tug at Ihe hook. That's the sheeimheada inashln' the rlam In hit teeth. When he gitto eiickm' the clam out hell ciio the hookuni'ther tug. an' then' the ti. lie that you wantto glie a Jerk an' faten Mm. ' tliere Mr. Florence cauio to clon quarters with a gallynlpper,ati-1 111 set his pipe, setting his in e rails on tire,and 1 tiatlugu commotion geucially.lAfter bruaUf.tut tliu I'irato got his traps to.gether. hoarded a tiny calboat at tho wharf,told tiiu M N reporter to follow him. hoWtid sail, and sped for the elievpsheud ground.Hit boat was so light that she lan like a watersp.iler 01 er sand bars covered lth scarcely twoInches of wati r. In half an hour the I'irato wasanchored near the light, and began fishing,on 1 11 : amju.Mi .The reporter attempted to follow hlni In Ills.lern'y lugger, hut sho drew so m... h water thatthe nlilpi er protested He tacked till way andthat, aioidlng a bar hero and there, and hangedabout the bay like a floating wash tub. liesailed at leai-t ten tulles, and was not able toawuig-tn under tho light until neatly 11 A. MThe I'irato had then been flhlng about tourhours Ills iiiMO waa redder than usual, but hewaa remarkably quiet, and did not speak untilspoken to. As tlie lugger lowered her sal) anddropped anchor, the teporter shouted, " Whatluck. Mr. I lorenee 1 '"Well, so, so-pretty fair; but they ain't abltln' lulled,' was the response.Iteporler-Hate iuu caught si n 1Florence the l'liato -Ws, a few; but theyain't a bltln' much,Heporter What do yon catch'The I'lralc Nei. a row, thai, all. They ain'ta biiin' much.Heporter llae you caught any liepihesil 1Mr, I lorenee ivcry qiilellyi -HlieoptheidWell, ea, I've got otie or two. They ain't abltln' much though.lleportoi'-Iiold up your alnns. Let me teethem.Mr. Florence arose rrom hit scat very deliberately, went to tno ateru of hlaboat, and with thecnatest dimmlty pulled out ot the water thefinest string of aheupshead that the reporter eversaw, There were eight of I hem, weighing fromtwehe to ftlteen pounds apiece. Their whiteteeth glistened in tlie sunlight like pearla, Mr.Florence exhibited them with an air or unlettriumph, and consoled tho reporter by tellingMm that he caught thorn all within an hour,and that they had stopped biting two hours before. Then the reporter began to fish. The tide wa,so atroiig that au olil-faahliined clock weightwould have floated like a cork. Mtlll tho reporter fl-lieil. occasionally pulling In a sea hatsabout the slz of a smelt, hut beyond this nothing, Half an hour laterHIE I'lItATI HOISTED SAIL,nml ran alongside tho lugger."There a no use uv jour Oahln' here anylonger,' ho said; "the tide's wrong, and vouwon't git a sheepsliead hi elf you alt here allday. I'm a g iln' over to tho weaktlsh ground. Ifyou'll fuller mc you can fill your boat withweakera inside uv an hour.""I didn't coiiio down to llarnezat Hay tocatch weaktlsh," answered tho leporter. "Ican catch plenty of them tie irer New York,"The I'lrate -Well, don't be a fool. The tide'swrong. You can't catch any sheepsliead on thistide, iou'io got to come early hi the mornln'tor those fellers,lleporter(reslgnedly)-Well, I shall stay here aweek hut what 1 shall catch some of them,Florenco You better como with tno, Aweaker s a game fish, and you can't have bettersport.The reporter again declined. Florence spenttwenty minutes In a vain effort to coax himaway, and finally shot off fur tho weaktlshIfiound III his winged catboat.Mt'iiiimi wu. 1, 01 t.After fishing for three hours, catching nothingbut a dogfish, the reporter took a small boat, amiwent ashore, He found a one-legged hotel nearthe lighthouse, and entered the barroom. Afrowii-looklng, barefooted wrecker, In a redflannel shirt, stood leaning on the bar, andI'ailng sleepily at the bottles behind the barkeeper. "Will you take something V" asked the reporter. " Y-a-a," drawled the wrecker, turning to thebartender. "Ulinine sum elder spoirets, Tommy." Tommy handed down the bottle, Tha wreckerfilled a pint tumbler to the brim with applejack,and raised It to hla mouth, It disappeared likemagic, Tli u reporter sarcastically ulced thewraeker If ho wou'dn't tiy another glass,"Y-a-a," lie ana ered, "(limine sum moroelder aperre Is, Tommy."'I he plot tumbler was again filled and emptied.TU mur wiped tilt wuu ou the alsiy ofhla rati flannel shirt, and looked at the reporterfor tha first time. ..."la there any fishing around tier?" aaked thereporter," Y-a-a, If you know how to fish," Ihe wreckerreplied, "(lurchy purchy flth poles hain't muchgood hero." . . ..."What do you. catch around here?" the reporter Inquired."Y-a-a. You catch what gits holt ur yourhook If you know how to fish," he answered." HlueOsh, ha, fluke, weakfth, eheepshead"---Kepoiler (Interrupting) Did you over catchany aheepshead lure?Wrecker- Y-a-s. I ratched eight on 'em outIn the Inlet this mornln'.Heporter Where are thoy? . ,Wrecker- Sold 'em to a fat red-noted orkerfor thirty cents a pound.That was enough. Tho reporter hoisted sail,and landed atBeeor'a Hotel, Tom's river.Tho I'irato at rived In Nsw York that night, anddistributed the sheapshevl among his friends.He told them that he didn't have much luck,and left them with the Impression that It was avery common thing for lilin to run out and pullla thirty or forty sheepsliead In an hour.A SPIJY LETTER TJIOM TJtltMOXT.liars Trade and Other Tradtt-HwpUfThlma All Arouns-JIm Flak Trine fKrl the Mean Ideal f the Country l'l,Sel'll Vorrfpimdinci 0 Ihi Baton UtrnU.SAXTON'H lllVEIt, Vt Off. 11. A liowotrader, or one who does tho other fellow upbrown, Is looked upon In this aectb 11 at a fit candidate of any Partr, and la usually nominatedfor tho bott olllco in town. When h has motwith auocest In that line, he hat th confidenceof those who hivo not only suffered by Ills keenness, but tremble lest they get stuck on the nexttrade, for trade these tieople will. Thero Is nuta dry goods store, a groceri , a harness shop, orany other kind of a eliobang whero thero Is notnightly a trade, made, all the way from an oldfathloned J.vkknlfe to a pair of two-year-oldsteers, and the ambitious youth who palms off ahandle without blades Is usually looked upon aspossessing qualification eminently fitting hlnifor college, or at the prestldlgltateuroii th forward end of a tin cart.tine or my obi friends who has lived here sinceboyhood Is governed entirely by trade, and lu.dmuch rather "swop" with allttle to lio.it than sellfor money outright, A few years slme he visitedthe" Hub," and his attention was struck squareIn the front while passing through Dock squaroby the sweet sound of a tin music box whichwat doing Ita letelbettto give allttiedeml-seml-quaversot "Hull's Victory." lie bought It bypaying currency at the low price of two-fifty.The music box pleased Id dear Merlb and theother music-loving people of tho v llage, butthis single tune could not alwiys pleite, andHull, though a splendid naval offic r In hit day,could not expei t to have his victory latt longerthan a few months, when It was so often ttartodup, and so it wat accounted a bore. Hodgklns,we will call his naiiio, needed boots for thewinter, and he had no money He offered totrai.e with tho shoemaker for a pair or boots bygiving hlni his box, but the shoemaker wa notdisposed to do so, Yet HodgKlns was bound tofight for his bouts on that line If It took all winter,and that the hoottm.n should either get the boior its ortuiialent In trade ho wa, bound toeedone, There wat a man In (Iraf tun. a few milesabove, who had not only .1 few valuable hens,but also a nice ear for mush . Hodgl Ins startedfor him, and walking hit team pa. t the old fellow's house, wound up bit tin machine, au I" Hull's Victory" resounded among the hills ofthat antl-rallroad town. Tho mu- . box took,and In a few minutes the hens were In the wagonand the box In tho front room of the rural retroat, with a dollar twelte and a half In lltdgklns's breeches pocket. Converting the hens toboots was another matter, but Hodgklnt's executive rapacity was simply sufficient to accomplish the task starting for home ho met thetna'l stagewhlch plica rogularly between IlellowFalls and tlrafton. and whoso drlier being nInverof ivoultry stopped tho Fulled States malland proposed to tr.de. Ilodgkltii was ready -dldntcaro about trading, of c urse, but It thedriver had a pair ot bouts to swan hedidn't know but ho would. Tho driverdidn't have boots, but he did hale under theseat a freh steer hide ho was taking to (Irnfton to get tanned, and he would swap for thatHere was a rhanre; It was tho nearest appro.v lito boota Hodgklns hid seen since the tin machine had hi en In hla posjettlon. Ilodgkltis'sfaco was radiant unaware, for bli heart bubbled up the smile against hla trading Judgment ;mad with the smile, but earnest for the trade. ItIs no stretch of the imagination to picture Hodgklns a few minutes later, wending Ills weary warto the bosom of Hie loved onea at home, Bestedon the eweet smelling hide of the Innocent ateerwho had given his life that Hodgklns might gofos th (Iraf on stage. Hodgklns took the skinto tho shoemaker and swopped It tor the bouts,witii fl.li bit tho bargain. Ho says ho mademoney 011 the but ami on the hens, but at liekeept no book by double entry he cannot tellexactly the net results, He knew hs needed theboots, and lias gut them, and la satisfied that Iftho shoemaker hasn't got the box he may jethaia to dicker with Its possessor.You can trade here for anjtnliig marketableor unmarketable. Pump I orum! trcotid-haudpulpits are easily swopped for grain and apavind horses, and either of the aamn ran eadlybe eirhitngrd for uncollected pew bills againstany of th pew-holders of tho places of worship.Nothing comes amiss, A thorough-going. sharphorse trade give a question for discussionamong the disputants of this town for at leastthree months, and longer if there Is no oilierbang-up trade s, oiling along to take the firstones water 1 heard one of the most prominent men ot the village say within a day or twothat a he was so glv, 11 to swopping and tradinghe hoped 110 one would mako an offer for bisdog or hla wife, for he added-"I am human!"Trading ia liou'ditary. and gutting something toboot 1, talent burnished, but woe betide the unfortunate youth who, in a moment of tradingfrenzy, awops, and pays out change fir thedifference. Hit Is iitisldcrod a misspentlife, and for 11 time the hopes of lilt parentsare In a measure blatrod-certoltily It is so IfIn no qul 'k suet eediug trade ho does not hoisthis adtersary over the rocks w Ith aa great a momentum us ho )ilmoir was Jolted along, andwith a little premium added. Jim Fl.k Is thebeau Ideal of these Veniionters. Mothers pointto Jim at the model fur their children to followand Imitate. No matter about tli otton-warpshawl palmed off upon them ns all wool by thl'riniii of F.rle; It la enough for them to knowthat succe It a duty, and that tho end wasgained by the dead Vermonter He rests quietlynow, but hit Indomitable perseverance and per-h'ips many of Ida fallings will be raked up andInstilled Into the heads of future Orceti Mountain bnya, so that It la not too much to predictthat in years hence wa may find an ImniitatlonFlsk from among these rural solitudes runninga lino of ocean mull steamers or as the grandmogul ot the lloton and Yokohama underground lino or broad gauge railway.la (Jen, Ilrlhunp also a fSrnntlst ffret Its ui ii l'tHelonr ire k'vu t'Xtmrbs front n lottiTfrom a gentleman In tho service of the (lovemment on our Western frontier. Ho Is a gentleman well known In Massachusetts, of pure character and the highest Integrity, and entire tellaiice ran be placed in his statements. Theletter boars dale Aug. IS. "An act of Congressthree years ago abolished the elective sutler system and gave the tocretary of War exclusive a;s.polutment of one trader each (none otherallowed) to the several f ninth r military posts.An Intimate personal friend of the Secretary ofWar wat appointed to one large post I halevisited, but found the old antler willing to payhlni Jl.Oi " per month cash for the business. Thishe has since done. With 110 restriction on histirlres, ho has, of course got tills heavy taxfrom the thousand poor colored soldiersserving at tho post. In short, these onethousand colored men, soldiers, withoutsains received, nave, by order of the Secretary of War, paid etch, monthly, to his friendone dollar for some years. Tho friend has pocketed hla fti.UUU n year without risk or responsibility, or even time given, A friendship whichpaid at least. (Jtieryi Was It paid for? And tillsIs but one military frontier pott one of many.Second, another station needing a hospital, afterjean uf recommendation and led-tapelsm, gotone by order of Ihe Secretary of War. Ita erection wat contracted for at an exorbitant price,Tha work commenced, but before the foundations were completed tho War Department ordered the station to bo abandoned, It was, aavo quartermaster and a few men, who were orderedto leninlii to supervise tho hospital building andnay tho contractor I Tills was done, ami thbuilding completed, when It was abandonedwith the rial never used to this day. Herowas U,',iU0 actually expended by order ot theSecretaiy of War to build a hospital for a milltary post, which by his own order had ceased tobo occupied."WlimltbJIfmaltJ.4 TTKSTION.i U Iris wauled for rirrllent situations, In city nrcountry.aa cooks, Itumtreises, 1 aiitry.ruoks. Hashers,suit liuurrs, klichi'u girl, clisnita riiuhli. nurses, !trcsit-s, tiDuseworKers. girls lately landed, Ac. Apply stCAIII'KNTHH'K.lJit w est flth St., corner sth ay.A- I, A II I F.S are Inillrd to take any kind of sewing, mschlnrs thrr like, ami work eight hours In shop,or Iske tlsuiiel or w lilts shirts. &cv liome, awl i.sr onlya smalt psit do n, snu lrsve snisuiums every week topsr fur the machine, end get csih for oric Vini,urvllsrnient M'f'y, list Chambers st,A - I.AlTlKS tauihi'on Wheeler 4 wilion'a sndiV, Singer's machines, st the Hewing Midline Stitch,big Co. 's, 10C lileeckerst. 111) good lisuili wsnttil unfisnnrl shins. All kinds of new mscblues sold, at 11 awieklnwiirk. becond floor,A-WOHK given out at advanced prices to payfur ttnt rlass sea Ing machines by Initsllmeuti 1Instruction free. I'tiND A CO..111 Ksitsthst.sndai nor place.A-ltl'.HI'F.fiTAIII.K (Iris Inwant tif eicellentsltuslluns for sllcapsellles cau lie suited wtlti'out delsy st 81s liowrry. Hntrsnce on nleecker st.A I. A III F.S are UUHht'to operate on the Iteming-ton sowing machine. Uood situations providedslier iaarnlng. 291 bowery.A -.111 I.AIIIICS to learn to operaU rnsehlnrsii , sold l prr week lu wurk st home, in Mil av andSo. I,sa Sdar.A -lU'KKATOHM snd batters wanted on whiteiV vests 1 highest wsges to good lisoils the yrsrround. Dos sin av,A 1. 1, flrsbclui sewing mschlnrs for sile on smallweekly payments In work, iU Id sv nrsr Wth st,V1I'A( V and lluea lust hand. rJouo but go"Jdiisuii ui J sjg.i st 1)1 West lilu tt.A -HKWINUmtcMneaforsslast lit. tat. snd IJ.iV worth double those sural, and work flten to aidIn paying for them, at KTT M av.1JONNKT FKAMBH.-Wanted. a flrsbcliss boa.I net frsme msker who understands getting upstyle 1 also, apprenllcre for rnlirnrrr. Apply atJ. HOTIiaiauy. M Je,t mh ,t,BIIOK FOl, DF.lt H and stltrhsrsi steady work togood hands. TUPS. DAlillF.LI., 8 Spraco St.1IIIIK, washer suiHronrTwanted, I'rotntsnt, mid.J dle aged, In ptetssnt ennntry plsce 1 hours fromcity no dslry wrrk 1 snply 1 dsys.J ' J. K. TICIIKSOII, West nrosdwsy.n AN II Ft on linen costs, fall all thll and neifwrck",m West sain at., id floor, trunt.IA IIIF.H Work fumliheil st home to psr for new,J tlrst-cisss sewing machines, on monthly Installments, from f 5 to l(Fi Instruction free. Mew York Machine Htltchleg Company, 861 ad ay near Wii St.O PP.lt ATOttH and bsstrrs on flsnnel frnetts sndlierhysi also, alpaca coats, on Yf. A W.'s ma.thine 1 work Urea out. II drove St., cornet Iledfonl.OI'Klt ATOKH wanted on linen and alpae coatsito parties totHiynischlres en esay lastallnieuU, luor out of the home, lot chambers st.OI'KllAIRii on V? . A W. machines on whIUshirts, with or without their own machines. MPrince St., Drooklyn.TANTA I.OtlN finishers and kssters wanted andX good sewers lelesrn: the luiilaess, tsurht from thebundle 1 lesions daily and rvenlnss.flj prsctlce untiliitlsCed.st MMd at., bstween eth and 1th ays.SKWINfl.MA fill fNKrtrrnted', privilege of buying,snd sold chespi terms essy. V.I (Irrrnwlch sr.,corner Weit loth st. snl 1ST I.slt llroadway Isdlcstaught 1 old machines repslred,fll WO women wanted toTew horse bisnketi, ApplyJL to WM. M. UFAXSU 3d svV A NTF.n-A steady girl to do the general" home11 work of family of fwoi one baling some know),edge of rrrnchreollng preferred. Apply, with Ihe bestrlly references, at UK I'EltC'E'JAl.'tf.lO llroadway, Intha store.W A NTKIIOperslor snd hatters on Singer's sewVI Ing uiachlaei, at IM hut sill it.WANTKII-Two chambermaids. M New Dowery,11 upsuirs,AVANTI'.ll-rA gltl to tskecsre efcMUren at ItJIt West Illhil.V ANTKIAgood fmlitier on custom paati. ItiVI kail lllli s., first floor.V ANTED - A reipeetsbte girl to do gene rtl home.VI workiwsgM, IIS, Calls! lfll'roiectit.,llruuklrn.V ANTKII-A girl forthe kitchen, also a bo;. 54111 lltsnd st.W NTF.II-Furseweri foTmlnk workT O) OrsadII St., top floor.W A NTF.II-Iirrsirnakere and apprrntlcel, at No.lf West .lti st.VillMI (JIIII.Mesn obtain ltuillonsfree. ledr.I lur and meals atfir eaeh.or board at 11.50 a wec,st the Girls' Lodging House, if St. Msrk't plsce.t TA I I.O It RVrt "WsnteitTto ork on cuilom4 psuls 1 ages no object, tilt West Ibiiiitun st.I) . 1 N l.V sh'rt Ironeri on fine wrk wanted at UnionlU Laundry, 101 Thomptun st.'Kl r..VI'KKIKNt,'F,ll lnbsccostrle.perr w"sntedell r st as Wuoitcr St.. alio,luO to Itsrnt night it pricespaid In the cityJcl:mlti5 Hl.itfi.(!F.T.-A nsw artUle, saenti cannot fall Inmsklng fit per dsyi sells nt sight 1 Israe profits,stead; eniployineut. t. TlIOItNTO.N 4 (,'0.,4Jbrcsd.wsy, New York.liKMT.s wsn'ed to sell bouls. Pictures, Act tOJdmen ctn mike 110 to III a dtr 1 boiiki and flrturesso'd nn weekly payments, Apply to r .McCUMli, IIllsrclsy itArAlll'KTKlTrs'ao"rrd.tsnre ln ItT Tountry.fie si comer ot I hsinbers snd ;' est iti..wth I00I1,at JO nilnules bifore 1 A 1! to-ilsy.fir.MM ca eiidTieTunvlneed thst st "ASIKItV'fl. show etrd ostsnllibnieat, Its liowtrr, vou csa uisket ediy,VOF.NTt snd peddlers wanted to sell t nw srth I'.1 SMITH, tl nleecker St.. New York.VFO.IH'KTFX T bonk edge allderwsetedrstL II 1 VI KAMI"S. 10 snd H Itesde it.Vlitllt litis feedrr who csd nuke rrsdy wanted atOfortlandlsuHOY wanted lo work In eofte. Hand foot of llsrrtsont one .1o under, ind opening oyttersi tiermsn or American.IXIYSwsnted for orree work an 1 to learn 111 o1 grsphy. Aldress LITllOUItAl'llKIt!!, honor., Sunoffice.ll7Al'KMIITII wsnted-A shjer sud filler.II J. CAltl.bhlN.lv, IPihi..,iouia liruoklya.U 1. 1 1'li -J II ITIIwtnted. tt M ana tlrand Is., Hol boktn. N J tune usedlo uiechtnework preferredHOY wsrtrd In a book store t strong and active, tudo general work, st M 6th avrill.MI'A.NV going West Nov It, under the cars ofJ the agent uf Ihe New Vurk Cnlldri n's Aid Sotlely.Hoys snd girls rlscod In rood humes, Fsmilles ssslite.1In resrhlng Ih.lr drsllastlOD. Csll st 1 Eail lib il.,from mill dilly,I.VsIIM'.OY.MF.NT office for clerki, boekkeeperTli porters, Ac, st I Hon. I st , room f.1?KKIIKIIS ws'nled forrullnguischlnes, sl.uurekmsu sirsetI.T.KIir.lt.-rKiy wsnted lo feed 1 rullay miehiae,' at B Pearl it . up ilalrs; J. J I'lMtCklLb.I.illlHT-OI.ArtHJob compnsitnrs wsnledTslJ A. S. SKEll'S, U Weit Ith St.( OOII csnvssers wsnted for el'ir and ruantry. ArT ply st ouce 10 H F II ICK.II. .Q1lrosdwsy.room .1.J OH roil l'll"ITtrit ririKlsss, wanted. JiTlthsv None hut good ones need spply.rF.AII III. t7.IKTtHwsnt.Jd""stJ 11. 1' IlLtMilW. ) Atlantic St., DrooklynMAItlllF.II Fill' I'l.K without rhtldren. utrfulmsn snd fsrdener, wife ai laundresi. Apply atNo. IJI West llth St.. corner 6lh sv.Illl'Kit IIII.VF.'. Wanted.' a' stesdy man thaiuuderstsndi wurklng un a Clark machine , nf,neulher need spply JllliiSIAS l'ATTHimuN,T Av I)l KIMJ lltl.V inskers wtuled S o7 I goodhands will hive stesdy wurk ah winter. Inquire alNo, S Cedir stCOI.DIF.lt-. Altenliont Wanted, a few snber.ln.O dustriuus dusbleu suldlers to traiel with an articlet sell ( ouud wiei given snd eipenses psld, Apply siNo la North Oifordst, Itrouklyn, N. V,, from 3 toI' M. jCIIOK.llAKF.lt wtntedoa repairing 1 s steady Job,O 1 all si bn lludsun sr.. llrooklvu. 1 ome prepared towork. A. McCjUILl.KNClIOF.ll KKItM. -Wanted, a luu reptlrlng stH llWestndst. TIIOMAS LKONAlttl,r ItWl) boys to pack iplces. Apply before o'clock,X not after, t aVVIIIUIIT tHLl.IS ni'.O.. SSS Waihlngtnn it.flto TAII.Olli.-Wanted," two good tailor, toI work In the nor. lh av;rilAII.OItrt and btuhelmen wanted 1 aim, presier 1JL guud wsges will be paid. 1,231 liruadaay.fIAI 1,11 It H snd buthrlmrn wsnttil 1 guud asges will.L be psld, l.n llroadway.fllWO wood turners wsntcd on cbslr urk7 stei yX work. Apply at JtfJ Monrue st.'!A 1 1.(1 It M-J good" bushelmen wsntedi steady lob.I. Apply at aOMoutagnest.. Hrooklin llenhtt.'ItAII.OltH wsatedi to good steady men goodL .wages will be psld. il West ah st.fltlN' Kt)0FF,lt.-t wanted, aTlK ltTdge st.I JlfilN F1NLKY.tJIWO tailors to work by the' week, at TJ Market st.Ifl'IIOI.rsTKItKltrs wanted 1 flrst-rlssi furniture' upholsterers 1 full prices paidt fine wora for Histdsn workmen. Apply alTII llroadway,W ANTKII-A flrst rste srroTlsswyer.aluar fsclorysi Ulooniurlo. New Jersey. So others need spplyto FKLOUUKT, FhLTtIN Si CO..101 Uroadwsy,from II to I) A. M.W'ANTKII A boy, 16 or It years, to sttend a gro-II eery 1 must understand the biiilness 1 come rrrommended, inquire corner of Court and Bcheroierbornste., Hrooklin,W A.NTKII-Two enrrsvers, good workmen. scent11 toiusd toebrravf tor eusnielllng. Apply, with refrrenre. lo IIIA niCIIAIlDS A CO., 301 Broadway, N. Yor llll II AKH8, COIIDIMI A CO., North Attlehoro, Mass,WANTKII-A vsrnlsher and poililier arcuitomrdil to finish wslnut bedsteads, Ac, in th insnufsclory, MO Hudiun it,W A NTK ll-TIn snd sheetlron workers; highest'!")." fsid lo competent workmen. Apply al ltand ZU licit t.V ANTI'.II-Two tinsmiths accustomed lo allIT branches. Call at US tleekman 11., al 14 o'clockThursday. 'V A NTK.O tine blacksmith's helper 1 alio one11 grinder on tools. AddreasSMITH, box 105, Run offlce.W ANTKOA solier. Industrious msn to open11 oistin. Apply al MtUlNLKY's oilier saloon, Sis)Second st. ' 'W'ANTF.II-A boy 10 serve newspspers. Imiutra1 1 bstwetn 10 snd 11 AM.. at Hi id av.W' ANTED. -A'good bnshelieMhal undcrataads his11 trtde. Csll ilbl 7th sr., uesr anh si.W A NTKII-ATinimltti 1 on thst understands furJ J. "ace wurk, Ac. Apply to T. II. BS1I1 HsMHIb sv.IVANTKli Two young men who "onderstsudvi jipenlngoyiters. Apply for one week at TOSth sv.WANTKII-J good shoemakers 1 stesdy employII rucnti coma prepared to work. 63 Flatbusn ar.VANTF.II-A shoemaker a uew work aud roll pairs, st aa West llth abWANTKII-llsker, third hand on bread. Apply a'.VI 10 A,Mat wiioytil.. Ilrooklyn,W ANTKII- Uuod boys la nistch fsctory, w snd tilIl Weal tsth st.A ITER wa'olcdlu dining saloou.ot! eth av,nan I.AIIOUKUS wanted.-Temperale and-111 Ft! steady partiea cau secure lo ilieniielieisua fsmilles permsneul employment aud a brick cottage of their own near New Vurk, by Joining Helta Cooperative llrlck Manufacturing Asaoctstluu snd psylng10 earnest money, to be deposited In the NationalTrust Company, tall Immediately at til Ith av. .lolinJackson, II. lingerer, K, Tyler, it. 1'elersoo, FlusuceCoinuuttee,1.?.'!' i'ov. S. aScotchaluti ears snd tsll cut ihort,J with f ip and ring ou neck, 1'lcaae return to litMacdoug lu sndet a liberal reward.f OHT-'aturdsy afternoon, card rase containingJ promltaury note, listed eeplember 37, 1ST', fortl&O,Fayiinit Jtupped. Iteturn lu SFsrk plsce.I ((.ST. Itauk IwokYYui snd Sla. ..ued by-iho, J.vl',!,,,l.'l f-svlugs bank. Fluder please returntt.rin to Die bsnk.r.0'1" NuT a bunch of keys, wllb lire key No.J n plena rrluru to lleeknuu al. station houar,L"f.T. Ll'l'sbiiiillagcaifdgoldwaicii. Tha flndJrii) ha tu strata t hi KaitUomton sv.maiiisihWlUprttorw?Manaer..Mr.LK3TKnWALtACKNolwllhstsndlnr theIMHKNBF. AND SUHTAINBD SUCCK84which hs attended tha production of1'lfUMALION AND llALATKA,pronounced by thornnrif! and tiik pitusala be the MOST CHAttMING COtlHUYever presented at this Theatre,Mr. WALI.ACK is compelled to announce , .TIIK LAST FUUU NKII1TS AND ONLY MATINEE,HATUIttlAY. Nor. f.Tha nlar will be ottered until then with.TIIK MAIIVEbMllfH OPTICAL ILLUSION OF THE"lilBSOLVINO STATUK." . .byProf. TOrtlN. of the Polytechnic Institute, London.Due notice will be given of the first eppearance of Mr.JOHN lltLHKllT, Mr. KDWIh. Miss EVVlK OEIIMON,Miss HOSE ClKlllLAN, Mrs, JOHN 8KKTOM,BOOTlrH THE A TIIK, llOUCICAULrLAST TWKI.VK NIOtlTS OKMr. and Mrs. DION IIOUCICAI'I.T.snd last renrrsentstlnus of nsw lirsms, Kl'.rtltr I orNllltll' AND MOIININtl.and JESSIP, llltOWN, Mr.IIOl'CICAUl.T a Kerry. Miss AUNKS KOIHUtrSiiN(Mrs. lioiielesiilt) ss Jresle, Mr, SIIIF.L IIAItltV si Css.sidy, Mlas K ATK NEWTON ss Mrs Desmond.LAST llOlll'ICAtfLT MATINEE but ONI: on SATUItDAY NEXT st 3 o'clock. KKltltVsnd JESilK lillQWN,tJOOTII'H THKATItK, NK1I.SON.J The msnsgrment reipeclfully annonncea a limbedengaiemrnt with the besntlful and talented Epgllshartiste,who will mskeher FIIIST Al'I'KAliXNCK In AMKIUCAon MONDAY EVE.NI.Ntl.NOVEMIIKItH, In ber clfbrsted tmpcrio&atlonofJULIET,In Shakespeare's rrsnd trsgedy ofItl) M EO AND J U LI ET.GmnsnK-r.AFOOST.N DALY.LAST WEEK (but two) OF ItOI CA110TTE.LAST MATINEE (hot t) ot IIOI CAItOTTE, SATURDAY. SMOnTLY A (lltEAT I FA I, SENATIOV by Mr.At'llt'HTIN DALY, bsscd upon a popular Parisian!!2!" UJ1 ! !fTTII AVF..NFF. TIIKATItF.) Mr.AUnifSTIN DALY. , Sole bene andVatieger.Ultl I.I.I A NT COMEflY IIKVIVAl.t'tlWEDNhHUAY, Nov. S-HIK INI ONHTANT,TIll.'IWDAV, Nov. 7 TIIK INCONSTANT.rillDA Y.Nov. -KVEltVll01)Y'S HtlEND,MATINEESATUItDAT, add THE INCONSTANT.EVENINO.lA OAIIK.1IY 01' aiUstlC-l.t CCAITALIAN OITH' -T.ncCA.THIS vWEDNEDAY) EVKN1NU, NOV. I,AT 111 LOCK.CltlSI'INO F LA COMAIO!.Mtss CLAltA LIIU1K KKLLOUO.FKIDAY, NOV. S.atSP. M.,f.ll,71 III FlOAr.O.MME. I'AULINE LUCCA.I'VahA LOUISE KLLl.OOO.SATUIIDAT. NOV. , at I P It..(MIAMI LFCl A MATINEE.r,i,,KATUKXo.uiiirK. 81(11U0AIlWAr.Ml! JOSH HA ItT .. .. Lessee and Manager.l lralweekof Mr. U. W JKSTHt. ,the msn with the tstklng hand.Flnt week of the new hnrlesine,Ail-I-NES.Tlie WOltltEI.L SlSTKt In the burlesque,I X ION.MATINEE WEDNESDAY ANTJ SATb'UUAY.NION fUl"KK fllF.TKh.PropritPir Mr. Sheridan Shook.Mauager ..Mr. A. M. Palmer.KIIIUTII WEEli OF AONES. , ,the great loclely play, wruien hv sardou eipreuly forWSs AONES ETHEL,ZW&r&'SS'lfcl-mxr AT HALF-PAST ONE.Miss Ethel's engagement at this theatre is limited Ione hundred nights,I.Yll I'M' TH KATII K. MAItnK III FEUE.I.AV WEEK A1MKI OPHltA IIIH'FFK.Ibis fWedneaday) and to morrow ,fhurdfi eienints.UAltllK lll.hllK llAlllIK IILKUh1ardtlielalantprodlsry. KOMFO lilovrsi.FII1DAV, laslllnieof ultlNDK llb'CIIESE. .Men lay, Kov 11, Miss Lvdla ll.onpson andlroupe In anew burlesque and full Corps de ballet. Usual prices.IIION VI'A-TOIt'r OI'KltA iYorisK.1 Jul ituWhltY.OPl'O.SlTli SPItlSH ST.(IHEAT SFCtESt or EMI'HSON AND (HIANOEIt,The nun Mess eu'ete caaracter artists.EMElWIN ASH 1H.N(IER,LITTLE MAtnlr. IIFNSOV.MISS JENNIE flENSON.TONY PASTOH IN IIIB NKWhjiT SllNtle.HAItlllliAN AMI HAItT IN NKIV SKETCI1M.Ladies sdiultted free on Friday evenlnjs.AVHITK'S ATHKS HIMirV V 51 Hruadwsr.uppoalle Nlblo's Harden.IMMENSE ATTlt C HONS.MATINEE.MATINEE.THIS DAT AT ! I Ml DAY AT J T.Till" DAY AT !!:. Tlllh DAY AT 2 LCOME TO THE MAHSKK.mAlVim IN SIIAKESl'EAItE'SSITH1.IMK PLAY OFMACHEIIICoacludlng with the Itosrlusr Farce ofATlt.l' TO WILl.lA.M.Illt'Ullll.Y ' iYE'cnriCA'tTBACTION:"1-1'15TO-DAV AT 2. 1 F.VKNINO AT S.MI.1.K. 7.tlK ' The beautiful ULONDFSIn ANtiEI.OF MIDN'lonT. In Ilia bll.VLIl DEMON.nbing JBnrtttB,IKVIMI lAvfsiiS INTITl.TlllN,1 90 IVAlilll-N HT.. NEW YOtlK.SIX FEIt CENT. lNlr.ilE&T allowed on all 111ml.Interest commences from first of Jsnnsry, April, July,and October. Hank open dally from 10 A. M Int. P.M.tVALTKIl w cONCKLlN.Fresldent.Vihpibsilt L, Iivxtox, Secretary.Ml TF A I, IIKNF.FIT AVIN(il II A NK,1M Nassau it , itrs flriLtuao, New oaa.Intereat commences on the first of rrery month st tharale of lit per cent.IIiik novas from into dally 1 also, Monday and Saturday evening!. IH to an o'clock.yKfT MIIK rAVIMl!S ll.NK,154 SIXTH AV.. PETWEEN 11TH AND UTIt PTS.Open daily from 9 to s, and on Monday, Medueaday,and Saturday evenings from to s o'clock.Money deposited uu or before Nov. 10 will drew interest from Nov. 1.SIX FEU CENT DN ALL S''''VTm. 11. AtLaa.hec. F A. lONKLIN'tl. Pres.efmniuwl.CKI'IIF.TAItV'M OFFICE. I'.ltlF. ItAII.I wa liiiiipaiiy New York, Oct. .. IsTi.Notlie li hereby glvn that the Irani! 'r books ofthis Company will be closed SI its Oenersl officeon Ihe Till dsv of November, lTt, snd remain closedtill Ihe isth ilsy ot November, .iTl, when the books wiltbe reopened for transfers st the orare uf Dnncsn,shermsnA Co wbohsiebeen appointed transfer sgenti of thisCutnpaoy. by order uf lue Dssrd.II N.OTIS, Secretary.Susintsj vtunucff.4 - Ol'I'IFJA I. Dlt.VWINd4.A. e'ewtfckv staii: InrTEitipi.KESTl'CKY-s was lias No. i'..'l. Nul S, 19.J, 1 61, it. 2, . S4, it, II), 'it. I, IS, II.KENTI'CKY-Clss No. ia. Nov, ,pci.la, 1, f , r.u. 1. n, it. 60, m, m. 20, 11. iv.SIltMONS .1 CO , llsuanera.Cutlligluli, Ky.SHEl.lir COI.LKllE KxthA CLaa No.il, Nov. 3, UU.711, , , 11, s. st, no, 18, is, 5J, M, 17, "4.SHKI.IIY COLl.EOK -Ctas No. Rj. Nu. 3, PtTJ,3, W, , 11,7. M, , 7. SS, IS, 1(1. SA, Jl, ITJ.SMITH CO.. Msnsgers, Covington, Ky.Information furnished snd clreulsrs sent by .1.CI.UTE. linxer. l"i llrosdwsv. 1JJ tultoa St., and 2Park row. Foil on.ee boa No, (,.A- VOKTI.'NK In a toy. -New cannon or mortar.No gunpowderi uo uingrrt must attraclhe andaalablc ever Invented i paieni for sale.MlLNEH.S8Westthst.17(1 It HAI.K rhesp A nrst-rlasi home, fnrnishedi'an be used as hotel or club house, Inquire al ttFrom it., or at 20 Fair St., Newark. N. J.STOCK snd natures of s custom tailor' store, si 20Myrtle svenue, Ilrooklyn, for sale,JBoatb anb jRoonis.I'KV yonng men csn hste hnsrd snd plesuntrooms 1 also two ladles, 211 Vi est villi it., between:ih snd ih ays,VKW gentlemen besrders wanted 1 IS er week ttable board It ; bath, gas, and parlor, io est Jnlistreet.A FFAV yonng men csn hsre good Dosrd snd singlebeds al as Henry st.i 1 1 .SO per week, Call all week.I.M'KNTMll Kll front rooms to III for housekeeping.1 'j;j Uruome it., corner or Allen.1" ,11! 11 Nihil ED room toltt, iiiltsble for houieTeep"' log. Hardin row, corner llth at. and Clb av,TA II (IK front room, nicely furnished, for I or 2 genJ tic men, iulta!)le for geulleuian and wife, IsJVlicit 2,1!) at,fllWO young ladies csn be sccominodsted with aL ruoui fo wurk In ; uo objection to.a machine, ') 1stav., fourth floor.YVKI'l'-FI'lfifiKI roiuns and flrafclsssIT bosrduiaybc hsd on moderate term al ilJ.lluu.son at.IA rr UTII A V. -Comfiirtsble rooms fur a few.1' I geutlrmen or ladles with or without bosrd 1siso, rooms lor boussaeeplDg.Hoists anb dntrugtj.V A NTKII A good sh.gle horse truik and harness.11 Address, stsllug price, 4c, O. F P.O. boa 1,776.J'titomil eJlotitt.A 1.1. oltlcers, lallnra, soldiers, snd marines, wound,ed, ruptured, or injured, huweier ahghtly, are emitted to pension. . Il, JACKSON, lair Surgeon I U.Navy. ( New Chambers tt.Joui'hIi; JJolitra.BOHH IIOItSF.SIlOF.ItH will hold their reriTlarmonthly meeting Nov.l.lsn. at the Academy Hall,Dy order. ,1. Il IIASSLElt, Frcaldenl.Mar. MoNTooMaav, Peerelsry.StltlHtlbll WliUlltO.A (JF.lt 11 AN womtnwlahei s situation to do gene,. riJ housework, sod a young girl to mind children.".";,,,7ii0,r2"' "" HHIugton aud btantou slsal M. II1LD s.All KH P ECTAIII.F. woman waute to go out bythe day 1 11 a good washer sud Ironer 1 can give betof city relereuces. Cail at 1W East llroadway, lop floor.AYOINII woman wishes work by the dsTTsucUaswuhlngor houia clesulng, call st sin Ar, A.Mis. N API!.M10MAHTF.lt FI.FM IIF.lt M.-A young niiuluiTX arrived desires lo go ss an Improver to (lie plumb.Ing and gai flltliig business. Addien lur t dsys lo P. 11.,Esat Ntw lurk, I101 (il.W A NT Kll- by a young nurrieinuan. a'sftuatlon11 where ho csn msko lilniaelf uiefuli Is a neat andrapid wrllrri cm pile good reference orseriirlty. Csllon or addreu ClIAISLES AAltON, 1S1 Chryatle stbasement, ' 'VV' ANTF.D I'lTliTJspsiinlng ofevi ry deicnplToii atVI a low prlos. A ldieis JAl'ANNtil boa IJI, Sun- -Jmrntmtnl.T, IIAltNl'.M'B tlltKAT HlloiVs(Ute nippolheatron, Fait llth at., near Ttroadway),KLEOANTLY RECONSTRUCTED AND ENLAROEDwill open Monday Erenlng, Nov.il, at 1 o'clock, andevery day afterward from ll A.M. to 10 P. M,Hippodrome performance at Sand 8 o'clock.TIIK ailEATEBTSHOlV ON EARTH IP. T. RAUNUM'S COL099AL TRAVELLING MUSEUM, MKNAOF.ItlE, CARAVAN, ZOOLOGICALU A11DFN, IIllTOUItOMK, and DAN C09TELI.O'rl CHASTE, REFINED and BUrERIICIRCUS.ONE TICKET ADMITS TO ALL.This rilrsordlnarr romblnatlon lias no parallel onearth In the eitent, uniqueness, and variety of Iti attractions, More than a mllllonof dollars hsye been expended In this last crown'ng effort of the proprietor, whowith forty yesra'eiperlence as manager, and this lavishoutlay of money, baa made It th most pleasing andmsrvelon combination or Instruction and amusementver witnessed. It Is attended and approved by theunit refined classes, snd the Reverend Clergy ot all de.nsmlnsllons. Families, Isdles, and othen, who eanconveniently attend th day eihlblllon, will fiud themless crowded thsn thoss of the evening.Admission to tha whole, tncludlng.ieat In the balcony,SO cents. Children under ten, half price. Sofas In Tarquetle.33 cents eitra. Reserved cushioned armchairswhich msy be secured three dsys In adranee-ao centaextra. In comequenceof tho enormous eipensa af thisestablishment there will positively be 110 free list.N''ofMEATM CENT SHOW.Foot of Houston st, Fssl river. ,NEW FEATURES IN THK ItlNII THIS WEEK.rttANCOIS siMOitisr AND pupils, , ,In thalr graceful poiei sndgtniosatlcs. Likes lie, theirperfectly trainedrEttronMiNn uoas in costume.WM, MOIlllAN'.thelNVtNCIIILi:llUitlH.K RIDE1. and II WIRIER Jt'MPElt,THE WILD VAllLTINO AIIAIIS,la their fearful leans snd lolly souierssull.HASSAN .MAIiMOt'll, Urienlsl Juggler,has Joined the Arsh Troupe, snd will apnesr.Moss. (lOlMiUX, Crjstsl Equilibrist,Miss BELLE ARMOll. Dsihtng EqucstrKuse,hsve slso leen added to the attraction.EVERY Ar-fKHNOON AND hVKMNll.MENAOEUIE brbllsntly hghloil 110 at clgbt,ADMISSION TO ALL, 25 CENTS.Kl ' II I N MT K 1 N (' O N ( ' E It Tf. " ftelnwsv Hall.Ittiblniteta and IVIenlawakl In chamlier Music.TUESDAY. Nor. 12. WEDNESDAY. Nov, ttt,FRIDAY. Nor. 1J and SATURDAY. Matinee, Nov 16.The crest snd untversslly expressed desire to heerRUnlRsTKIN snd WIENTVWSKI In chamber Musichas Induced Mr. (trail to announce a series ofCIIAMIIER MUSIC CONCERTS, ai shove.Several eminent srilsts. Including Ve-srs.I.OEWENIIEKD ( lolin), liKltllNER 1 Violoncello),OOFFRIE (Viola). MATZKA (Vlois,lisve been enirsced In sstst M-ssrs.Ill'llINsTEIN and IVIENIAU'SKIIn the exposition of a branch of art lo which they haywon specisl distinction.Mile. LOUISE LIEIIHART and Mile. LOl'ISK OilMEN Y will also appear In approprlaio vocal selections.Reserved sssta, 1 wu (2) Dollsrs."T .IIEIIICAN, JN-TITI TF. F.XTiTiiTtIII.NA Af EJtfilltlllllN HAL'., (INTHIRD AND SECOND AVS..UV lllisr,LAST M KKKS. 1. .HT It FEES.Open from 9 A.M. to 10 P. M. daily until S'uv.13.(dolee muilc by KI'.AIINO'S rlNK KXI1IU1TIONORCHESTRAL RAND Day and Eienlng.Admission. V) centa 1 mechanics' tickets, In psoksges,30 cents 1 childrvn. 2ti cents,(lltANll PROMENADE CONCERTS WEDNESDAYand SATURDAY EVl.NIN'OS." I.VIElTrlllN'Jt"" CALIFORNIA MIN.TnF.I,s.W IIROADWAY. 7W.THE MASTER TROUPE OF THK WORLD.DEI.EHANTY AND HKNOLER.hVKRY KVENINO AND SATURDAY MATINEE.T. Msgulre si Billy Emerson Proprietors.CAN I'll A NCNFirjl I NSTItKI,1.l5sT. JAM I.STIlEATIOi.COR.VSTIl S t. AND Tl'WAY.ENTIRE CIUNOE OF PIHHIlt MMK.HOFSES CKOIVIIEO TO THE DOORS.UlltCH, WAMROl.t) A HACK CSSHAN FRANCISCO MINH HIKESAPPEAR EVERY KVENINO AT ,SEATS SECURED SIXDAY3 IN ADVANCE.Bit VANT'S OI'FltA IIOFMK, V:tD ST.I very evenlnr sis, and Salarday Matinee at 2.KINO KARliOT. KIM) KAItKUT.KELLY aud LEON In Ihelr epeclahtiesSTEINVAY ct SONVORAND, syUAI.'F. AND LTRIOHTPIANOS.First of the (lrsnd iluld Medals of Honor,WORLD'S FAIR, PARIS. IVt-I.ONRON, ita.ONE PIANO EVERY WOltKINO HOl'R.TEN PIANOS KVFHV DAY.FVFRT PIANO WARRANTED FOR HVE YEARS.Illustrsied Cstslogurs, wllb I'rlco List, mailed frse onappllcstluii.WARKIiOOMS, STEINWAY HALL,lWsud 111 East llth st New York,gnbiic olicts.OI'I'IIKVIK COI UT. . "In the muter of the sppllcstlon of the Depsrtmentof Public Parks for aud In behalf of the Mayur, Alder,uier and Commonalty of lbs City of New York, relativetu Iheoraiixn nrEIOIITY-NTNTII STREET,from Eighth avenue to the New Knad or Drlir, andfrom 1 wclfih sieuue tu the Hudson rlter.IN THE CI TV OF NEW YORK.We. the nnderslgned Commissioners of Kattmst andAssessment tn the shore entitled mstter, hereby givenuttce to Ibe owner ur owners, occupant or occupants,ot all hnuiee and lota and Improved or unimprovedlands aOict d thereby, and to all others whom It msyconcern, to wit tThst w e hsve complete our estimate and aiseiimenl,and that sll persona Int-reated In theae proceedings, orIn sny of the Isnds sffeted thereby, and who may beopposed to the ssme do present their objections Inwriting, duly verified tn Jo 1 A. Flthlsn. Fsn ourChalnnin, st the office nt the Commissioners, ft Nasssnstreet iroum Jlitu Ihe sstd city, on or before tho Mday uf November, 172, sud thst we, the said Coinmlssluners. will hesrjisrlles s-i ct'lecttng wiihln the tenweek -dsys next sfter the ssldM dsy uf November, sndfur Hist purpose w 111 be In attend .nee st our said officeon each uf said ten days, at 12 o'clock M,That ihe Uialrai t of the said climate and aasesiment,together with our maps, and alo all the amiavlts. emulates, scd other documents which irerc used by us Inmiking our report, hsve been deposited In theuflleeofthe Depsriment of Public Works in the city of NewYork, f here to remain until the Sib dsy cf December,IT72.Thst the limits embraced by the assessment aforesaidare as follows, to wit i All ttiote lot, piece or psrcelsof land, lying and being on Eighty-ninth street, betweenthe Eighth avenue and the New Road, and betweenTwelfth avenue and the Hudson vlver, and extending oneither aide of rtghty-nlnth street, hslf the dlitancj lothe neii street thereto. In Ihe clt) of New York.Thst oor report herein will be presented to the Su-rreine Court of tbebtste of New Ycrk, at a specislerm thereof, to be held In the new Court House st theCity Hall, lu the city of New York, on the llth day ofDecember, 1ST2. st the opening of the court on that day.and that then snd there, or as soon thereafter ss counselcan be heard thereon, a motion will be made thai theslid report be confirmed.Deled N'sw Yoaa.ucl. li, lbTJ.JIlFI. A. FITHIAN,JOHN' lllltlH ,IlK'HAItll tlll'KER.I oilililUaloneriiiution HfjtlC(S.,4 l'( TION SA l,F. of crockery, gluawsre. AcHenry Lotr, Auctioneer, sells on Thursday. Nov. 1,a general aiaurtuicul lo suit dealers, liy order ofWM. ANDERSON, 71 llsrclsy st.lJAMIJAN aV CO.. K Rowery, Aiicttoneers.-Alaclesring out ssle this day and evening of lewairy, pictures, furniture Ac. , ssle s snd commissionsexeculed,fllisttllnntoiM.IXliT OFFICE NOTICE. The mslls for Furore,during the week ending tseturdsy, Nov 9, 1'TJ.wlllc'oie at thl.i offlce on lleduesdsy at (H A.M., on rhursdsy st II A. M., and on bstunlsy st ) snd 11 A M.F. fl. JOSl-. Pus'mailerFjtHOfS, J, POPKtTllllO,FIO IRON AND ALL MFTAI .21 Pearl su near llcektuan. New YorkTO 10 CENT!, for tatln wslTpaper, splendid s11 sortinenl now cluslng uut 1 bordering one centaysrd. 2 l.lspenard st,2)ou tiunnjiiii?;l.vifllMTIHK, t'A It PETS,V REDD1NO.AT O'FARRKU.'S ViJ EIGHTH AV.,( OltNEII OF JUII ST.PAYMENTS TAKEN WEEKLY OH MONTHLY1:'l'ltNlTI'ltK. carpeti, and ixdolng-Tbc largeit' aasorlment ami tlie lowest prlcis for csv'j, or ouweekly or niouthly payineuts. stII. M. Coll PEltl'llWAlT'S, 113 Chatham St.Y KKIl ifv'oil .11 ilNTIlf, V" FA Yll ENTr.1 1 Carpels, furniture, iieddlng, Ac.i prices lower tbsnany home in the city.Iil'AI.Y f FNNINtlHAM,3.1 and n 3.1 av.. neir I'lh st.Srbiii Qliuljiius.t 1. 1, kinds nrw sewing machines for sale, to rent, orI exchange! alo, bought and repaired 1 iroo 1 second,bind very cheap, montuly piyinemi, lil Csiisl st.I-7Olf rA l.i: A Wheeler A Wilson's snd a S.ogcr'a'sowing uisiblne, a good as new, for U. 31 Csualsi., lop floor.yiiisifiil Jiwliiimiitts.pi'. 1,0 1 11 FT, I'El.TON aV CO.'fsSTANDARD OIlOANtf.21,001 now in uie.WAHt.JOOMS, Stl ni'.OADWAV, MV Vlihlttend for a circular.u 11 1; t "oi'FKit i-iiiTTiaTe tVA I i.Ri." oiil llroadway, New Yolk, w III dispose uf l.sM'llNOS,MEl.(lliEONandOIil.M, ot ifs first rlas matersIncluding Malera's.at VERY LOW PHIi ES FORCASIIor psrt csh, snd balance in iniallinoiillilylnitslltnriiti,the same to lei, and rent applied If puriiiaied. New 7.octavr first'Clasi PIANOS, modern improvements, forliiScssh, Now ready a CONCEIl lOPAIII.Oli OIKIAN,the most beautiful style snd perfect tone ner lusde.Sheet muilc and muilc mercliiudiae.HACltlFICF-llesutlful new 7octave rose,wood piano, ovenlrung bsss, sirpeiitlne esse,carved legs, lyrr, Act patent sgrstf, si.liiidld luusi lessthan half cost 1 price, ins. Private bouse, 17Hlasoiisi, nesr Myrtle, lirookliii,lJEA I'TI I'L 1. 7-octave rmewood plino 1 every tin11 pruictucul 1 tijOj Inilslliueuie takru 1 I IV monthly,bay! CAHLE.Oumhss.'ClHICirERIMl rusrwool pliuuforle, "lo perfect1 order 1 ouir f i i 1 barguuiJ. UlDliLE, 13 Mavirley plsce, near llroadway.I,l,l'.ISANT7urtavrnsewend plsuoforte only ITU.ilJAMESHOHHON.IlKIUIeeckir tb.nesr Micduugsi;Cill TO fjlvt.t buys ruod iccond hsnd pliuoa,OtJV tonwuod, csfieil leirs, e ,atMhliriltLL't-, Uuleuiuirs.yta Cifalt.HOI HOI I IIO t 11 FOR (II.ENIIAI.KIII LOTS. AT fl AND I0 PER MOhalf. .PRICE flM AND UPWARD. , IOnU II minutes from the centre of Drooklyn I IOnly ) minutes from Ihe ferrr I ILot fronting on Myrtl av. of Prooklvn I I40 new houses slresdy erected on graded street 1 1New building gone; up 1 1 1Early and lafeatesm trslnsl CStores, schools, and churches at Olrndsle snd 1 Icintlv, 7(JU lols slresjly sold and paid for In full by an mdus- 'Irlous and risnectable class of citlxens.We Invite all who are In earnest and want to see.nr ahome that will enhance In value dslty, lo cum snd aesour property 1 goon to the solid rround'ilookatthssnr.ronndlnis 1 bring your w Ives, yoor chlldron, and frleu .1,without coal I ,FREE EXCURSION Iir SPECIAL TRAIN,TIIURiDAY, NOV. 1, IsTI. ,Train leaves the South Side Rsllrosd Deoot from foilof south Sth it . tMlilanuburgh,at Ity.MA. M. Returnat 1 o'clock P. M.In case of settled rain, sicunlon will take plica os JFriday. aMe un hand early and calculate tor delay la streetcars. INo one showed to attend without a Head. INn tlek' ta given at depol. 1All tickets must be spplted tor In person or by a re. Isponsible party st the office ot tha Ot.ENDALB LOI IASSOCIATION, 81 CHDAR ST, ROOK t. IJOHN C. sOllOOLEY. rresldent. I'lEItK. JOHNSON, JR.. J.-.M. OlllSON, Aucej lloneeis.ORAND AtmiMff FESTIVAti, , tOILT EIM1F.I) HU II (1 It II OF NEW YOIIK,44 VERY CHKAM OF CHOICF. PLOTS AND I2 ELEOANT MODERN VILLAS,st Auction st fBEROF.N POINT. HAYONNF. CITT, N. Jon Monday, Nor. II, al2.;0o'olock, jon the premises, rsln or shine. I30 select lols sdjacanl to the railroad stallon.Cn Ar. "(', mti, Hnmphrrrs, snd Meigs "Is.It very choice lots, on (he betntlful Av.Sandlth it.,neaf Trinity Church. Alio,3 elegant modern villa houses on Av. S.Finest property offered this sesiuni 20 minute frot)New York 1 commutation lesi thin sttgefstci tioalll,bestity, and accessibility.(Ireat iei nlatlun. Free collation st hotel,(irafulla Rand. The renownsd Harrison's enteMtln 1ment. 1If wel the tale will take place at the hotel,For frr excursion tlekcls, mips, sml Informitios.snplrto JERK. JOHNSON, Jr., 21 N'sisiu st.. NewYork, .or J. M. UIUSON, 27 Montgomery it., JerseyCily, J7?OK HA I,E-Fonr itery brick tenement nous) wilt ttwo stores, ansitllU, price, IO"i tnortgsga 1f7.nci rental, l,7IAi eisiulue It. 87!Uoldst., nesrCili IHal), Drooklyn. jrf0C rillf nut) to ill.A I'AIIT.lIENT.ttolet of I room, with water snd ,il slsttonsry tubs, In honses East si'li St., between ll iand 2d avs.: rents per monih, f 13, IK, 117, aud tli. lu- Iquire at office, SJSKastaiCi at ISTEAM POtVlflt to let n roon Vx7i) feet, will Istemy power, JOHN MCLAREN, ad and (lrsnd sti,Hubukrn, K. J.t llll KF.K large and light shopi for any hndneis pur ,J poses to let. Apply un premises, 27 Jackson at, 'UPPER PART of building, corner Eldrldgeanl(lrsnd, over Oppenhetm's shoe store 1 bait localloon the street for dining or oyatcr ssloon, dentist 01photographer.rNI'l'lt MMIIHIl apartments to let.aullablo fothousekeeping, at r.l '.Vest (Uh st.. belwven Ilrosd.wsy and tth ar. Apply In the house to Mrs, BCHWARZ."WANTED Suite ot 4 rooms on second or shirs'11 floor, unfurnished, for small private fsmlly, almoderate rent. Address C. C. If., 110 Washington at.Sfeippmg.' ,,..,'. IANCIIOli I.INE HTKA.Iir.ltS 1Ssll every lleUnesdiy anil Saturday to and Iron) f(llasgor, Liverpool, Londonderry, and Queenstown. fPassengers buoked to and from any railway atttlon Is kGreat Prlialn, Ireland, Norwsy.Sweden. Denmsrk,Osr fuisny, Hollsml, llelrlum, and the United states,AT LOWEST CFRRENl Y RATES. 'Drsfts on the Old Country for sny smount.Apply st ths Compsny's offices, 7 llow ling Drees.HENDERSON ilHOlHKlU, Agents.171111 (j 1 'V. en st oiyv a'nii "i.iv'Kii : P0T1 u4 rarryluir the United Statea Malla.MINNESOTA sifls Wedneiday, Nov. 6, at K A. M,MANHATTAN sails Wednesday, Nor, 1.1, al t P. M.Cabin pissage, gold. Steerage, fcM currency.Drafts cn Englsnd, Ireland, it r.WILLIAMS etOUIOV. 1Vt Ilrosd ay. New YorkI''foit'tilVsTOWN AND LIVERPOOL.Royal Mall steamers sre sppolnted to sstl si follow! ICtlV OK ANTWERP, Thursday, Nov. 7, 10 A. M.CITY OF IHtt'SSELS, Saturday, Nov. . 12 M.CITY OF LIMERICK. 1 hursdsy Nov. II. 2 F, M.CITY OF PARIS, Salurdsy, Nov. 11, 2 P. if.,and eaih succeeding Thursday and Sslurdsy, (retPier s, Noun Hirer.RATES Or PASSAGE.First csbln. ... 73 sold Steeraie.. .. IS) currencyPassengers alio foraardrd lo Havre, Hamburg, Swsden, Norway, and Deumsrk st reduced rates.Tickets csn be bought here st moderst rstesbyper10m wishing to send for their friends,Fur further lofonnstlon apply al the company's omenJOHN O. DALE, Agent, li Ilrosd wsy, New York. (QNY.YFinfcT USE TO FRANCE.Ths Oenersl Transatlantic Compmy'i slesnsri fcrIlrrst snd llsvrr ssll every alternate Saturday. Eicur.slon tlciets st reduced rates. Apply st the oillce ofUEORUE MACKENZIE. Agent,MF osdwsyffVlIF NATION A I. I.INE OF M PEA ll-ill I I'llJ WEEKLY TO ul EENKTOVVN AND LIVERPOOL.lORIMtlHTLY to and from LONDON DIRECT,from Piers 11 snd 11, North river.TO QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL.SPAIN, iltsre.ssinntsv, Nov , stUM. 1CAN ADA, Webster, Salurdsy, Nov. is. st 3 P, M. 'OHM'CE, Andrews, Ssturdsr, Nov. st ID A. II, .EGYPT, Urogsn, Saturday. See. K). at 3 X P. M.FOR LONDON DIRECT 'ERIN, Lawsoo, Tbursdsy, Nov. 7, at to A. M.DENMARK, Sumner, Saturday, Nuv. It, at 3-1) P, M.HOLLAND, Ursgg, Wednesday, Nuv. 27, st I Jl) P. MCabin psassge 1,3 and 13 currencySteerage .12 currencyTHESE 8TE.S.MSIIIPS ARE TUK LARUEST IN THSTRADE.Prepaid steersge tickets frum Liverpool, Queenitown,Londonderry, Olaagow. ur London. $32 currency.For further Information apply at the Compauv's office,No. OUroadway. F. W. J. Ill'P.ir, ManaterOSDONO VA N RO'SMA. National Llnei'iUllroibway: cabin pa'aase. f M , superior sleersgs accoinmoilallou, tif. Wednesdays sud SalurdsySif,imbo,i!j unb ruiltijuj. VI JO It chsrter to target comnsnles snd excnriloni ISl.lewheel steamer Pope t allln. For terms spplr Iatctr.ee Morrisanla S. II. Co., Moll listen, N. Y. Iijlatlitntiji.W A NTKII A good seronddisn l engine with cul.11 off, with full description snd price. AildresENUINEElt.SUtlreenpoInt V ).,!. I.fltnusttij.4 IITII'ICIAI, TEHTH a specialty, -Reauttfuiil tei th In 1 srtlsl sets from 1 1 each upwsrd 1 sets from110 upwsrd. Perfect filling mien iieed atJ.C. i;ENNI.Di'S.l4lluwerUltblClll; J ,nll.COIIIIF.TT of 20 Centre at. can be consultedwith the moil honorsule runndence un prlrste dieasesi a practice uf lOyearseuables nlin to gusrintra perlnanenliures, or no charge, uffice hours, 9 A. M, 10 S P H.tottssionnl IniBs.l.l. nnfertunstei. be wlsel Knuw jour dlseaii!Msn) cunstitulious sre ruined by negieit and luiproper treatment. Consult tin moil experienced phslclsni will cure permanently snd speedhi sll set tldlsrss-s, no mstter how long sUmling, Nervous drbllit . linpolrncy, rheumstlim. psins, sud all skin dliessrs (Mlir, store jour health and toil maubood completelj.Dr. DEHAt'T.Jii Houd ilTTENTI0n", Twenty yesrs' Prussian hosoltalexperience. Piles and ikln dl'eaiei, even of lootstsndlng, luccc.sfully snd pernianeutly cured I limitation free. f)r. FRANKLIN. HI nieeiker stDlirklNIS cures sll dellrste dlseasei sndderengenieiiiei on.- rlilt sutnclenl . conaullst .usstrictly prtvsle. It Amity St., nesr lirosdwsj , onushours from s A. M, to s P. M.TTKN'TIO I - Advice free Mine DKP.lllO.KM Weal r.th it 1 lsales speedily cured st one Inter,view, snd bosrdlug Uurlug sickness Medicine only t!.A" SPEED V crUEfor all unfortunstes by lr 11.D. 1H1INHLE, tW Weil Will st nesr tth svsltologn.t TTENTION I KNOW THY DENTIN Y.A KOltEtV ARN'ED IS FOI'l-'.tltMM". ,vUUTO 133 (ISl'ST.. nET. nltOADWAY AND1TH AVliVl.OO REWARD FtHI II Kit ECU' 11 ,Censiill Ihe best rlalrvoysnt of the age 1 tens evrrjFilug, giies Inck In love slid business 1 brings togetherlUi sc long separated 1 speedy msrrlsgcs lucky uo .b rs.ATTENTION I -Consultations un'ouainesi, Iswsuits, enemies, losses, absent frhnds, loie, rnirrlsge, ilcknras snd death 1 pay refused unless ntlinel,llAllAME SIMini.tlalrvoyaut, H sixth avenueATTENTION I -MADAME PORTER, eeresi, bedIn Ihe world. Couiuli her for ever) Hung. LT.fnumbers. FecSOcenis, Carmine st, near Dlecc.Nogcnti.i'fTIIOI.IKilVP. - Madame RAPIIAEI ." fr ' 0A Paris, it) West Jvth St., Between ith snd itFee. Siv.MADaIFe if. IIO-S, medlcsl slid I'Us.nesn svolant, III West (Hill it., belweeu Krosdnsr and7th. av Consult hi r en all affairs ol life . iisii e of 'iuu insrry snd ilsllorsi the wouderful rlurin of A.esulara causes ipeedy msrrlsgrsi iliowi llkeiie, bringstogether those loug sepsrsted, lucky numbersMUM. ilirOE'DlTli"rwcll known"" triieT g.f""jIsdv.Sl jears. for giving true inlormation m tusitslrs through life, regard tu health, wealth. tnir.a.,absent frlrndi, lawsuits, ilckursisudile.itb li Iran ,near Csnsl it.MISH WKI.IslXtsfoN'rt predlelloni srecerti nHie learns )nu how to succeed In business, ob'siawealth, reclaim drunken and uufaltliful husbands, s-1gltei all Information desired, Rrildeuco U'J Den ' '.aII . i.esr tlh sr.l ,11 E. F. tells names, date of mams .. snd sr 1 uill wish 10 know i lucky numbers pusiiisc Fee, jivCV2 lien llheiker ibAl AllAJIK'jONK'i.'forlune'le'ii'r, she his aill equal, IJI south FHthar. 1 u -. Uf . gems, tlMAOA.ll VATTS,"only reliable colored asir. iglsl, SJj w nt ;ttihureir,lictwccintlisuili'iAIIAIIi: ll, biulnr'si clsTrvojant, f'"sf"''III 60cenlatol. m lnh it., belweeu lib and ih s.0-(IINA"lTllai'ia"iiie IIYRON. splrTlualisl'itie libav., has returned from Europe. Coniultslions,EsitJIitit, .rilllEWONDHItl ! l.sitroloilit.Mine '")L (isdav., near 12th tl. Her equal uot tube Mat 1No tents. .Tir.,ptt,s 10 o.ooo M,f::.v AJ. ' VUV;;S If:treat ur.rhslled business and ui di si risirioisni si jil.inlusiiii.csn bee u-uiledonso tHyi of .te js useipe dy u.srrine,l)r ,gloithr-''leiii nsn-.e ltd di if niitrisv, laforiist' tosilull tioiaiHlaillou.no.ps;. uf IJsy., crtr HUst, 2b1af7f3a8